Mr. Travel Tech

Travel stories, hacks and technology.

Choosing what to bring

2018-07-24 mr. travel techgear

Before setting off on my travels I researched each item I was bringing in detail. Their size, shape, weight, usefulness, and ability to be multipurpose were carefully considered. I even went so far as to make a spreadsheet and ranked them on perceived need, apparent size, and measured weight. In the end, these items would be hauled through airports, onto buses, trains, motorbikes, and up many many steps.

Obviously bringing as little with you is ideal. The adage says ”You can always buy it when you get there”. That said, certain things are hard to come by or are much more expensive in other places.

Here is an initial list of items that are a bit more difficult or expensive to buy than in the US. I will be adding more in the future so keep an eye here!




  • Shoes. If you are a larger person, fitting clothing will be more difficult to find in Asia. For example, if you wear larger than size 10 man’s shoe they will be hard to find in Thailand. If you are outside of a tourist shopping area, a shirt marked as Large will be similar to a US Medium.

  • Sunscreen. Sunscreen is available, but you will pay twice as much or more for it. If you are in Europe get some there before going to Asia as they have the ones with the best ingredients. If you’re in the US, just get some there.

  • Bug Spray. Same thing with mosquito spray as sunscreen. It is more expensive. I recommend the solid stick DEET types over the sprays. It will last longer and take less luggage space.

  • Neosporin. If you get a cut, it heals them incredibly fast. You will not find it outside of the US. Bring a small tube.

  • Liquid bandage. I love this stuff. Get a small cut you can protect it really quick and easily without caring for an annoying bandage.

  • Electronics. Laptops and other portable devices can be a season or so behind the current offerings available in the US market - and they will be more expensive.

  • Condoms. Western brand (and sized) ones can be quite a bit more expensive at the corner store, costing 3 times what you may be used to in the States.

  • Tampons. I personally haven’t done a price comparison on these, but I’ve heard from travelers that they are more expensive in Asia.



  • Melatonin. If you like to supplement melatonin as a sleep aid, it is not readily available in Europe.

  • Electronics. As with Asia, electronics are a season or more behind the US and of course will be quite a bit more expensive.

If you have suggestions, add them in the comments below!